Wednesday, December 5, 2012

State of the School Meeting Tonight

Join us for our HSA State of the School meeting tonight December 5th at 7:00pm in the All Purpose Room. This informative meeting is a time to reflect on where we have been, where we are, and what is in store for the future. 

December 5, 2012

Prior to the meeting, 50/50 raffle tickets will be sold.  Membership dues ($5 per family) will be collected.

Please note you receive one assessment hour for attendance at the meeting and $5 off your assessment with paid dues.

-       Opening Prayer
-       Principal’s Report
o   State of the School
-       President’s Report
-       Treasurer’s Report
-       Secretary’s Report
-       Old Business
-       Raffle draw
-       New Business
-       Q & A

Please be aware that meetings are to begin promptly as scheduled.  Please be considerate of others during the meeting and keep individual conversations to a minimum.  If you have a comment or question please raise your hand and wait to be called upon.  This will allow everyone to hear all questions and responses.  Thank you for your cooperation.

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