Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Tyson Project A+

Tyson products from your grocer’s freezer section can help our school earn money! 

There is a Tyson Project A+ label, worth 24¢, on various Tyson products that feature the Tyson Project A+ logo on the front of the package. Schools earn money from Tyson by collecting and redeeming the labels.

St. Mary - St. Michael School can earn up to $12,000 per academic year, and there are no restrictions on how the funds are used. We can use the money for anything we need — field trips, computer equipment, sports gear, library books — anything!

Clip your labels and send them to school in an envelope addressed to Steven, Grade 7. Make sure to add a "from" line with your family name and the grade of the child sending in the labels.

The class that collects the most Tyson Labels will win a pizza or ice cream party at the end of the year!

For more information on the Tyson Project A+ program, check out their website .

If everyone in our school community clips and sends in their labels, we can make this program a huge success for our school!

Thank you,
Kate Sciaraffa
Tyson Labels, Chairperson

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