Wednesday, March 13, 2013

3/6/13 HSA Member Meeting Summary

Bill Leavitt from Senior Financial Advisors gave apresentation personal debt and financial management.

A thank you to CharleneShandrowski for coordinating this guest speaker.

·      There is just over $11,000 in the funds. $14,000of the $28,000 obligation to school has been paid-to-date.

·      Spell-a-thon sheets are due back from familiesto teachers on March 19th, 2012. Excellent fundraising event, everydollar raised is a credit toward your assessment.

·      Family dinner rescheduled from April 27thto April 20th.

·      We are looking for someone to Chair the SeymourPumpkin Festival. The event isn’t until September/October, but the applicationfor the event needs to be submitted during the summer.  It is a very profitable event running abooth at the festival. Michelle Foster who previously chaired this event hasoffered her assistance advise the next Chair on how to facilitate this event.

·      In addition, we are looking for anyoneinterested in chairing next fundraising’s events.

·      The drama club needs parent volunteers for theperformance. Please contact Susan Schroeder.

·      Over $600 has been raised via box tops, a bigthank you to Denise Battone for heading this activity.

·      We are looking for nominations for officers forelection at the April 3rd meeting. The following vacancies are upfor election with the number of confirmed nominations within parentheses.  If you would like to nominate yourselfor someone else, please submit names to
o   1stVP
o   RecordingSecretary
o   2ndTreasurer (1)

·      Treasure Chest keys are being sold for theRecognition Dinner for $5 each. The person with the key that is able to open the Treasure Chest will winthe money within.  Attendance atthe event is not necessary to win. Please see Mrs. Coppola to purchase keys.

·      Anyone interested in helping out with June FieldDay should contact Sheri Lotto.

·      Anyone interested in helping out with Derby Dayplease contact Grace Torres.

o   TheDerby Day Committee is also looking for donated prizes for the Duck Race,please contact Grace if you know of an organization willing to donate a prizeor gift certificate.

Next meeting is Wednesday, April 3rd, 6:30pm.

Mark Adams
HSA 1st Vice President 

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