Friday, March 1, 2013

HSA Executive Board Officer Openings

  2013-2014 School Year

Dear School Family:

Please note there are three executive board positions soon to become vacant which are required to be filled for the 2013-2014 school year.  

Below is a brief description of the positions and duties. If you are interested or know someone who is interested, please contact the executive board at

We will also solicit nominations/volunteers at our March 6thmeeting.

1St Vice-President (President Elect): 

·      One (1) year term 2013-2014 as 1st Vice-President (President Elect)
   Automatic second (2nd) year term  2014-2015 as President

·      In the absence of the President, shall perform all the duties of the President and
   such duties as are assigned to this office.

·      For further examples of duties, please contact Mark Adams, 1st Vice-President 2012-2013


·      Two (2) year term 2013-2014 as 2nd Treasurer, 2014-2015 as 1st Treasurer

·     Shall receive all dues and other monies of theAssociation, shall keep an accurate account of same, shall pay bills only upon written order of the President (cf. Policy Regarding Home-School Association and Club Fund Raising)
    For further examples of duties, please contact Jen Shuart, 2nd Treasurer 2012-2013

Recording Secretary:

·      Two (2) year term 2013-2014 and 2014-2015

·      Shall keep the minutes of all Association meetings and make a report of each meeting to the Association and present copies of the report to the Pastors and Principal.  He/She shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee, shall keep a list of all members of the Association, shall notify members of their appointment on committees, and discharge such duties as are incumbent upon this office.

·      For further examples of duties, please contact Sheri Lotto, Recording Secretary 2012-2013

All ExecutiveCommittee positions share the following duties/responsibilities:

·      Attend general membership and executive board meetings.

·    Shall have full responsibility of the Association’s business affairs, including the approval of committee appointments, review of their reports, and consideration of suggestions concerning school policies, budget and other administrative details.

·  Be welcoming and helpful to new incoming families as well as maintain relationships with current families; answer questions or be able to refer questions to the appropriate individual, committee or group.

·         Work with board to schedule fundraisers/events.

·      Review, evaluate, and make decisions whichimprove involvement of members, school families, teachers and the community.

   Thank you for review and consideration for filling one of these positions. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact any officer or email us at
    HSA Executive Board

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