Monday, March 13, 2017

Annual Spell-a-thon

The H.S.A. is sponsoring our annual Spell-a-thon. It is a 100% profit fundraiser. It is truly educational and a lot of F-U-N!
Each student is given a list of grade level words to spell. Kindergarteners will have five words to spell and students in grades 1-8 will have to spell 20 words.
Every student obtains sponsors who pledge 25 cents or more for each correctly spelled word. Remember all pledge money you return to school is subtracted from your assessment.
PLEDGE SHEETS MUST BE RETURNED to your child’s teacher by MARCH 16.
After verifying the number of correctly spelled words, the teacher will return the pledge sheet to the student so he/she can collect the donations pledged.
The student in each class returning the most pledge money by the due date of March 31 will receive $10.00 cash prize. Also, the class with the highest amount of donations will receive a pizza party courtesy of the HSA, along with a free Change of Pace day!
Pledge sheets returned to teachers: MARCH 16
Pledge sheets with # correct words returned to you: MARCH 17
Pledge sheets and donations sent to school by: MARCH 31

Please send pledge sheets and donations to the school office. Make checks payable to St. Mary-St. Michael H.S.A.

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